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The Where, Who, and What of Apologetics

Why do believers have such little impact on the world today? Why is there so little power in church? A central part of the answer is a failure to understand the role of the ascension in our faith. Much time in the church calendar is devoted to Christmas and Good Friday and Easter, commemorating the birth, death and resurrection of Christ but there is almost no acknowledgment of the ascension. In Luke 24, when Jesus ascended to heaven, (departed from them for an indefinite time) the disciples returned to Jerusalem “with great joy.” Why? Because Jesus had prepared them for his departure by teaching that it was to their advantage that he go away ( John 16: 7-8). His absence was better than his presence. It was to their advantage because of where he was going, who he was going to send in his place, and what he was going to do when he got there. He was going to be seated at the right hand of God to be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He was going to send the Holy Spirit who would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He was going to be the great High Priest continually praying for us. These truths are crucial for us to understand as we enter the marketplace. This lecture demonstrates the relationship between the ascension and apologetics.

Study Questions:

  1. Why is the ascension given such a little place in our faith and
    what are the consequences of this neglect?
  2. Why is it so surprising that the disciples respond to Jesus’ departure with joy?
  3. What is the meaning of Paraclete (a title for the Holy Spirit)?
  4. How is the Lordship of Christ important for apologetics?
  5. What is the place of the Holy Spirit in evangelism (and
  6. What difference does it make that Christ prays for us?
  7. How do these truths affect us as we go out in the marketplace
    (work and ideas)?


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