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How To Speak To Your Hindu Neighbor

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Here are five guidelines on how best to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with your Hindu friends and neighbors.

1. Be prepared to listen and ask questions.

As in any evangelistic conversation always remember that you are speaking to a person. Be prepared to ask questions when talking to a Hindu and respectfully listen as they explain. Do not hesitate to take notes, as this will show keen interest.

2. Use stories to explain grace and forgiveness.

It is important to remember that the Hindu religion has come through stories, not creeds. When sharing the gospel with Hindus we need to be prepared to enter into their stories and then retell them from a Christian perspective. For example: Discuss the differences between Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) and Krishna’s advice to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita, or to use a parable like the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) to explain forgiveness.

3. Keep in mind the personal and relational nature of God.

Explain that God is not an impersonal entity, but a holy, loving, just, and forgiving God who intentionally created each human being for relationship with himself. God did not reveal himself in a philosophy, but chose to reveal himself most fully in the person of Jesus Christ.

4. Carefully emphasize the uniqueness and exclusivity of Jesus.

Help the Hindu understand that their salvation is not found by amassing knowledge that is one with the divine, nor attained by way of devotion, nor earned by good works; rather, it is found through faith in Jesus Christ with whom we can have a personal relationship (John 14:6).

5. Pray and be patient.

Prayer is essential to evangelism. Pray for your Hindu friends and neighbors and journey alongside them as you share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember that a great cost comes with their decision to leave the religion of their family and culture.

Michael Suderman

Michael Suderman, Speaker, is a graduate of Tabor College in Kansas with a double major in Philosophy and Biblical & Religious Studies, and a minor in Psychology. He completed a Masters of Theology at the University of Oxford alongside two years of study at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. Michael has interests in topics related to faith and science, world religions, and the intersection of Christianity and culture. Prior to studying in Oxford, Michael was involved with youth and university ministries and participated in educational and volunteer work throughout India.


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