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Cosmological Argument for God - Full Version

Michael Marshall shares more on the cosmological argument for God (full-version of presentation.) He gives a deeper explanation to cosmological argument for God stating more facts and issues of the argument. Discover new insights in this session.

This resource is part of a series on Cosmological Argument for God .Click here to listen to the full series

Michael Marshall

Michael Marshall, (1966 - 2014) was an innovative software developer, trainer, and consultant in the Search Marketing industry. Michael had over 20 years of experience in information technology, and a wide range of specialties including; web design, software engineering, e-commerce solutions, artificial intelligence, and Internet marketing. He holds degrees in Linguistics, Philosophy and Theology. He was highly sought after for insight and advice on advanced industry techniques. Michael was a contributing author to, a contributor to Building Your Business With Google for Dummies by Brad Hill (Wiley Publishing) and his articles have appeared in such outlets as Website Magazine and Michael was a licensed instructor and owner of the North Carolina Search Engine Academy.


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