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Tools and Thoughts to Start Your New Year

“Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."

Isaiah 43:18-19 (ESV)

Instead of only making the standard New Year’s resolutions to lose a few pounds or exercise more, let’s allow Christ to fully make our lives new this year!

Each year many of us will go through a physical check-up, a performance review at our workplace, perhaps do a financial check up at year’s end or at tax time. But how often do we take time to review our spiritual life? Click HERE for more information.

Perhaps the most common obstacle people encounter in trying to read through the whole Bible is getting bogged down with difficult to understand long passages, for days in a row. Genre-based Bible reading plans avoid this problem. Check out our reading plan by clicking HERE.

A list of the resolutions that Edwards read once every week to keep his mind on his duty before God. These resolutions will inspire you in making yours!  Click HERE for more information.

Imagine the joy in knowing that your financial legacy will impact the world for Jesus Christ. Enjoy the peace of mind gained from having an estate plan in place that honors God and takes care of your family. Financial Legacy expert and author, Lynne Kohm, provides you with the why’s and the how’s of establishing an intentional financial legacy plan that will bless your family and God’s work in the world for years to come. Click HERE to view this video.

Have You Thought About Your Spiritual Legacy? If you were to die tonight, would you be leaving behind a clear message to your family, friends, and world about your faith in Christ, your love for them and your hope for them? If not, what do you need to do to prepare for your departure from this earth? Get answers and guidance in this new video by Dr. Joel Woodruff, President of the C.S. Lewis Institute? Click HERE to view this video.

Past Event Resources

Being transformed by scripture refers to the profound impact that reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible can have on reorienting and shaping an individual’s life, beliefs, and behavior.

Figure out your estate plan this year! Feeling intimated, guilty, or a little overwhelmed about setting up your estate plan? Lynne Kohm, a Christian and an attorney who specializes in estate planning, will guide you through the complexities of estate planning in a winsome, approachable way which will help remove the fear and provide you with tools and motivation to develop a plan.

Want to read your Bible more this year? In this interview with Dr. Matthew Mullins, we will discuss his book, “Enjoying the Bible: Literary Approaches to Loving the Scriptures”. Mullins offers some practical guidance for an aesthetic of reading that will help us unlock the deeper meaning in the scriptures and thereby provide us with a clearer picture of what it means to live well. We will discuss how we can all become better readers of the Bible, not by simply discerning what it says, but by attending to how it speaks. Whether you have been reading the Bible for years or beginning to explore it for the first time, you can allow it to fire your imagination and emotion to experience it in a more meaningful way.

Many people lack the tools needed to have effective apologetics. Randy Newman has thought deeply on this topic and has published several books on ways to hone your skills toward effective apologetics. His primary emphasis is learning how to share through the use of questions and winsome conversation. So, if you feel unequipped to engage in faith conversations with non-Christians, or you just want to learn more about apologetics in a modern context, this is a great opportunity for you.

Articles - Knowing & Doing

Tom Tarrants asks Are you confident that you know and are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life?

The late Rev. David Prior consider the question: “When you come to the end of your life and have nothing but death to look forward to and nothing but memories to look back upon, what will you need to conclude that your life was a success and that you’re satisfied?”

Tom Tarrants offers helpful suggestions that will aid you in developing your daily time with God and growing to know Him better and love Him more.

A life of prayer is something to which we are all called and to which we should all aspire. Dr. Kynes discusses what it would mean for us to devote ourselves to prayer, to ‘pray continually’ as instructed by Apostle Paul.

Jesus’s disciples asked, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In this article, Bill Kynes addresses what Jesus taught in response to that request.

Tom Tarrants observes that periodic reflection on the brevity of our life, the certainty of our death, and the judgment seat of Christ will loosen the world’s grip on our lives and strengthen us to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

Broadcast Talks

I'm speaking from quarantine to all of you presumably in quarantine. I think the heart of the challenge of the pandemic is that it strikes at modernity’s love of control, mastery — control through reason, science, technology, management — and suddenly the angel of death arrives and we realize we’re not in control.


What will you do with spiritual exhaustion this year? We hate to admit it (and that’s part of the problem) but, sometimes, we get tired - tired of serving God, tired of reading our Bible, tired of going to church. Dai Hankey has experienced all that kind of spiritual fatigue and has good lessons for those who need hope in the midst of exhaustion.

Christians know they should read the Bible, and they’re convinced that it would be good for them. Nonetheless, our motivation sags. Kristen Wetherell encourages us for those times when our hunger of God’s word dips down.

The new year will be busy. We live in hurried and distracted times. “Fear of Missing Out” actually makes us miss more and more of what’s right in front of us. Adam Ramsey has some great wisdom for how to live faithfully and embrace the limits God has placed on us.

We all know we need to read the Bible. But we do need a little help getting into it for ourselves. Gary Millar’s book, Read This First really helps with this in a clear concise way.

Want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord? Could you benefit from trusted resources on discipleship, apologetics, evangelism, and the Christian life? The C.S. Lewis Institute recently released a new website offering 46 years worth of content from top Christian speakers, pastors, and scholars. With courses for individuals and small groups, multi-media workshops, videos, articles, and more, there’s something for everyone.

Articles - Reflections

How do we who have already turned to Christ “give ourselves up to his personality?”

If we want to live sober, godly lives in this corrupt generation and to “play our part well,” a daily discipline of reminding ourselves of his imminent return can do wonders for us.

If we are Christians, God is in the process of conforming us to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.

Everyone who has trusted Jesus Christ for salvation is called to transformation of life.

What do you love most in life? What do you desire most deeply? When we discern the answer to these questions, we will better know the state of our spiritual health.

Let us remember that we are stewards rather than owners of what God has given us, and glorify Him through our time, souls, and bodies.

It is encouraging to know that God has created each of us with a unique vocation.

There are remnants of the old self within each of us that we cling to and do not want to part with—areas of sin and selfishness.

Recommended Books

Widely acclaimed for his award-winning comprehensive study of the extraordinary 18th-century pastor, preacher, philosopher, and college president, Marsden now offers not an abridgment but an accessible new retelling of the Edwards story designed for students, small groups, and general readers. An illuminating view of history, theology, and everyday life and interactions in the American colonies.

Are you worried that you haven't found God's perfect will for your life? DeYoung's advice is to give up! By surrendering, you'll discover that God's plan has already been revealed. Learn to love him with your whole heart, obey his Word, find hope, and see your choices through. Now includes an 8-session study guide.

How can imperfect people hope to please a perfect God? The answer is both simple and challenging: sanctification. Pleasing God takes an in-depth look at sanctification and its essential role in the life of every believer. Filled with Biblical insights, this release guides both new and seasoned Christians through God’s path for transforming His people.

J. I. Packer's Knowing God has become a classic of the Christian faith. Why? While it gives us information about God with clarity and grace, it does much more -it aids us in actually knowing him, in building our relationship with him, and helps draw us closer to him in love and worship. This 20th anniversary edition of Packer's classic has new Americanized text, reader-friendly type, and a new preface.

As people with limited understanding, we tend to imagine a heavenly Father who is like us. But popular blogger Wilkin reminds us that our Creator possesses many attributes we don't - and that's a good thing! Take a closer look at the God who is infinitely knowable, creative, able to provide, timeless, unchanging, powerful, wonderful, and more.

The modern classic that has helped millions worldwide experience the height, depth, and breadth of God's love is now even better! With over 70 percent revised material, this expanded edition features a new personal introduction by Henry, updated stories and examples, a clearly outlined plan of salvation, and seven new chapters.

Dr. Charles Stanley has faithfully highlighted the 30 Life Principles that have guided his life, empowered his ministry, and helped him to grow in his knowledge, service, and love of God. Good for personal devotions or group studies, each section walks you through Scripture and shows you how to live the Spirit-filled, victorious life you were created for.

Unpack the Bible's teaching on work and find godly purpose in "doing everything for God's glory". Work is no longer a daily grind. Whether we are employed, work in the home, work for the church or a ministry, we discover God's calling in and use of seemingly mundane tasks to influence our culture for Christ.

Why am I here? What is God's call in my life? How do I fit God's call with my own individuality? How should God's calling affect my career, my plans for the future, my concepts of success? Guinness helps the reader discover answers to these questions, and more.

For Children

This richly illustrated book is the perfect introduction to Jonathan Edward's life, work, and legacy. Edwards lived at a time where many people were seriously questioning long-accepted ideas about the world, life, and God, and his answers to these questions have left a mark on the way we think today. While he is often remembered as the preacher of a scary sermon about a spider dangling over a fire, he remains significant as one of the greatest thinkers American has produced. Includes a timeline and "did you know" section complete the book. Ages: 7-12

How do we help our children and grandchildren get to know the most important book ever written and begin to develop habits of enjoying it daily? We want our children/grandchildren to read, understand, trust, and love the Bible. There is no simple formula for success. Each child is different, and the Holy Spirit works in different ways and at different times with each one. But here are two ways that we try to implement with the children and grandchildren in our lives.

An Inspirational presentation by the children in obedience to Isaiah 43:18-19  to keep their (and our) eyes focused on Christ Jesus.

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