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In the context of conflict of ideas, can a church or Christians be sued?

In this session, Michael Cromartie responds on how Christians should arm themselves with legal council yet be civil and discerning in order to protecting the interest of Christian and parachurch organizations.

This resource is part of a series on What Now? Faithful Living In Challenging Times.  Click here to listen to the full series.

Michael Cromartie

Michael Cromartie, Commissioner, (1950 - 2017) served as Vice President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he directed both the Evangelicals in Civic Life and Faith Angle Forum programs. His area of expertise included issues at the cross-section of religion and politics. He was also an advisory editor of Christianity Today magazine, a senior advisor to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and a senior fellow with The Trinity Forum. Mr. Cromartie was a graduate of Covenant College in Georgia, and held an M.A. in Justice from The American University in Washington, D.C. On September 20, 2004, President George W. Bush appointed him to a six-year term on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.


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