What we offer

Broadcast Talks

Published quarterly, each issue features a transcription of a talk presented at an event of the C.S. Lewis Institute with ideas to cultivate Christ-like thinking and living.

Challenging Questions

Published monthly, Challenging Questions tackles important topics about faith in a winsome, thoughtful yet concise approach. While the answer to each month's question may not be exhaustive, it addresses the core of the issue with goal of making it easy to share with others.

Knowing & Doing

Offers a wide variety of articles from nationally recognized leaders in discipleship, spirituality, theology, apologetics and cultural analysis.


Reflections presents an important message for daily living from the thoughts of C.S. Lewis in a one-page format.

The Dawn Treader News

Monthly e-newsletter with activities and ideas geared to help parents disciple their children from preschool through the teen years.

Must Reads

This resource offers selected short audio, video, and print messages on key discipleship themes to help people learn "as you go."

Spiritual Check Up

A tool for assessing one's growth in Christ.

Bible Reading Plan

Read through the whole Bible using a plan that has been helpful to many people connected with the Institute.

We offer various programs for discipleship of heart and mind, from our year-long Fellows Program, to our 10-week Heart and Mind series for small groups or Sunday school classes. Our newest addition is Keeping The Faith, a unique study-plus-fellowship experience featuring the Aslan Academy Small Group model centered around the Keeping the Faith guidebook. It is designed to equip parents, grandparents and other caring adults for intentional discipleship of their children and teens.

Check out our growing library of Study Courses from past seminars, like the C.S. Lewis Study Program, and classes on Apologetics / Evangelism including our Basic Apologetics Course with Dr. Art Lindsley.

We offer several tools to help you grow on your faith journey.  Check out our Monthly Resources which are a set of articles and resources to equip and grow your faith.  Our Annual Spiritual Checkup helps you examine your spiritual life over the past year while seeking God’s help in areas where you sense He desires you to grow. We also offer a Bible Reading Plan to help you understand God's story and your place in it.  Finally we have two powerful tools to help you explore how you can leave a Spiritual Legacy and plan your Financial Legacy.

One of many ways that C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows, mentors, and staff are living out “Discipleship of Heart and Mind,” is through the writing of books to strengthen the church and reach the lost. This Authors Shelf list of books have been authored, co-authored or edited by C.S. Lewis Institute associates.

Browse our selection of lectures & study guides - these are ideal for individual or small group study.

Biblically sound approaches to spiritual mentoring provide pastors, ministry leaders and lay people with tools to develop discipling relationships that lead to spiritual maturity.

These video, audio and text resources give an inside view into the life of C.S. Lewis and enable us to learn principles of faith that can guide our own lives.