“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40
Each year many of us will go through a physical check-up, a performance review at our workplace, perhaps do a financial check up at year’s end or at tax time. But how often do we take time to review our spiritual life?
Those who are saved by grace are called to grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18). As disciples of Jesus, we are to live a life of love – love for God and love for our neighbor, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Too often, in the busyness of our day-to-day lives, we let other priorities crowd out the two highest priorities Jesus gave us.
The following questions are designed to help you examine your spiritual life over the past year and to prayerfully seek God’s help in areas where you sense He desires you to grow in the New Year. There are links after most of the questions, guiding you to resources that we pray will stir your hearts and minds towards that growth.
As Paul prayed for the Ephesians, we pray for you - that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might. Ephesians 1:17-19
Loving God with all your heart, soul and mind
1. Do I love God with all of my heart soul and mind?
Loving God and Neighbor
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Loving God and Neighbor
with Frog Orr-Ewing
2. How is my personal relationship with God?
A) Do I have a growing desire to spend more time with God? Am I spending appropriate time praying, reading and meditating on the Word?
Why Pray
by Thomas A. Tarrants
The Jesus Prayer
by Bill Smith
Time With God
Interview with J.I. Packer
The Spiritual Discipline of Meditation
by Tom Schwanda
The Practice of Prayer
by Amy Orr-Ewing
Being Transformed Through The Bible Pt I
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Being Transformed Through The Bible Pt II
by Thomas A. Tarrants
B) Am I growing in my desire to obey and please God? Do I obey out of gratitude for God’s love? Or from guilt or fear?
The Key That Opens All Doors
by Thomas A. Tarrants
C) Have I fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit? Do I ask God to fill me each day with the Holy Spirit?
Finding Power to Live a New Life: Discipleship and the Holy Spirit
by Thomas A. Tarrants
The Spirit’s Witness: Empowered to Speak (30min.)
by John Yates
D) Are there areas I am holding back from God? Which ones? Why?
What God Wants from You
by Thomas A. Tarrants
E) Am I more aware of the sins in my life? Do I repent on a daily basis and receive forgiveness and cleansing from God? Have I fully, truthfully repented of all past and current sins?
Fleshly Christianity? What it is, and What We Can Do About it
by Thomas A. Tarrants
3. Am I actively serving God?
A) Am I volunteering at church?
B) Am I praying regularly for the pastor, staff, missionaries and volunteers?
C) Am I seeking to make others feel welcome in my church?
D) Am I doing my job with excellence?
A Holy Calling
by Jerram Barrs
E) Am I reaching out to those around me?
Sharing the Good News (33 min.)
by Gerard Long
F) Am I praying for my work colleagues and people in my neighborhood?
4. Am I growing in my desire and actions to give sacrificially to God’s work in the church, in caring for the poor, and in other ministries? Am I teaching my children about sacrificial giving and putting God before materialistic desires?
5. Am I living in humility before God, my family, friends and co-workers?
Pride and Humility
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Humility and Servanthood (33 min)
by Bill Kynes
6. Is there evidence of grace growing in my life? Do I thank God every day for his love, grace and mercy and saving me from what I deserve? Am I seeing evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in my life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)?
A) Am I learning to see others through the mind of Christ? Am I treating others with the same grace God has shown me?
Are You Growing in Grace
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Loving your neighbor
7. Do I love my neighbor?
Loving God and Neighbor
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Loving God and Neighbor
with Frog Orr-Ewing
8. Am I loving my family as I should?
A) Husbands, are you loving your wives? How, specifically?
B) Wives, are you respecting your husbands? How, specifically?
C) Parents – are we teaching our children the Bible, how to pray, and how to please God?
CSLI Program
The Aslan Academy
D) Children, are you honoring your parents? How, specifically?
E) Am I managing my time in a way that reflects God’s priorities and honors my family relationships? What specific changes are needed?
F) Are there any outside influences that are harming my family relationships? If so, what will I do about them?
9. Am I forgiving others? Is there anyone among my family, friends, neighbors or co-workers that I refuse to forgive? Do I fully trust that God has forgiven my sins?
10. Am I growing in fellowship with other believers?
Community — and Why We Need It
by Art Lindsley
What Kind of Community Do We Need?
by Art Lindsley
Community of Believers Part 1 (29 min.)
by Stuart McAlpine
Community of Believers Part 2 (33 min.)
by Stuart McAlpine
Community of Believers Part 3 (27 min.)
by Stuart McAlpine
A) Am I part of a small group? Is it making a difference in the lives of participants?
B) Do I have a godly mentor to help me grow in my walk with Christ?
C) Am I mentoring/discipling a newer believer?
Learning to Make Disciples of Jesus: The Calling of Every Believer
by Thomas A. Tarrants
Spiritual Mentoring: How to Help Others Grow in Their Relationship with Christ
Seminar with Tom Schwanda
11. Have I personally witnessed to anyone in the past year? In my neighborhood? In my workplace? Am I prepared to share my testimony? To share the Gospel?
Evangelization: Sharing the Good News with Delight
by Gerard Long
Questioning Evangelism
by Randy Newman
CSLI Course: Conversational Apologetics Course
by Randy Newman & Joel Woodruff
A) Am I fervently praying for and planning opportunities to witness in this coming year?
B) Am I being salt and light in my neighborhood, workplace and social groups? How, specifically?
Being Salt and Light in a Secular Culture (27 min.)
by Michael Ramsden
12. Am I focusing part of my time and money to help the poor and disadvantaged? Am I teaching my children about the importance of helping the poor? How?
Jesus says that if we love Him, we will obey Him (Jn. 14.15), and He calls us to grow in grace and love. Do you have a plan for growing in your love for God and love for your neighbor for this next year? Will you prayerfully prepare one before the end of the year?