Broadcast Talks are ideas to cultivate Christ-like thinking and living. Each issue, published quarterly, features a transcription of a talk presented at an event of the C. S. Lewis Institute.
Knowing & Doing is our teaching magazine, which offers a wide variety of articles from nationally recognized leaders
in discipleship, spirituality, theology, apologetics, and cultural analysis.
Reflections presents an important message for daily living from the thoughts of C.S. Lewis in a one-page format.
In the legacy of C.S. Lewis, “Challenging Questions” tackles important topics about faith in a winsome and thoughtful yet concise approach.
The Dawn Treader News, monthly e-newsletter with activities and ideas geared to help parents disciple their children from Pre-K through teen years.
Must Reads are a collection of curated resources on key topics of life, faith and the Bible, by theme in audio, video, and print to encourage "discipleship as you go."
CSLI Authors Shelf, books authored by C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows, Mentors, and Staff to strengthen the church and reach the lost.
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