0 All Booked 0.00 All Booked 0.00 All Booked 14468 Fellows Potluck Dinner: Year One – Chicago https://www.cslewisinstitute.org/?event=fellows-potluck-dinner-year-one-chicago&event_date=2022-09-25&reg=1 https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 2022-09-25

Fellows Potluck Dinner: Year One – Chicago

2022-09-25 16:00 2022-09-25 19:00 America/New_York Fellows Potluck Dinner: Year One – Chicago

The Year One Fellows of the CSLI – Chicago program meet for a potluck dinner. Location: TBD

[email protected]

The Year One Fellows of the CSLI - Chicago program meet for a potluck dinner.

Location: TBD