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Fellows Summer Kick-Off Meeting: Year One & Year Two – Washington D.C.

2022-06-11 08:15 2022-06-11 12:00 America/New_York Fellows Summer Kick-Off Meeting: Year One & Year Two – Washington D.C.

The Fellows of the CSLI -DC program meet for the kick-off lecture to hear from Rev. Stuart McAlpine on “The Fatherhood of God” and Dr. Joel Woodruff on “How to Study the Bible.”  

Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, 3900 Gallows Rd, Annandale VA [email protected]
Fellows Washington DC

The Year One Fellows of the CSLI -DC program meet for the kick-off lecture to hear from Rev. Stuart McAlpine on "The Fatherhood of God."

The Year Two Fellows also meet for the kick-off lecture with Dr. Joel Woodruff on "How to Study the Bible."

The Schedule

8:15 am - 12:00 pm Summer Kick-Off Meeting