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PAST EVENT: Embodied Hope with Kelly M. Kapic

2023-04-11 19:30 2023-04-11 21:00 America/New_York PAST EVENT: Embodied Hope with Kelly M. Kapic

In this biographical study, Not a Tame Lion, author Terry Glaspey points out that C.S. Lewis’s life was as compelling as his work. He offers insights to the character, mind, and literary expertise of C.S. Lewis.

Virtual Online Event [email protected]

CSLI-Atlanta & CSLI-Chicago present

Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain & Suffering

with Dr. Kelly Kapic

Too often the Christian attitude toward suffering is characterized by a detached academic appeal to God's sovereignty, as if suffering were a game or a math problem. Or maybe we expect that since God is good, everything will just work out all right somehow.

But where then is honest lament? Aren't we shortchanging believers of the riches of the Christian teaching about suffering?

Kelly Kapic invites us to consider the example of our Lord Jesus. Only because Jesus has taken on our embodied existence, suffered alongside us, died, and been raised again can we find any hope from the depths of our own dark valleys of pain. As we look to Jesus, we are invited to participate not only in his sufferings, but also in the church, which calls us out of isolation and into the encouragement and consolation of the communal life of Christ. Drawing on his own family's experience with prolonged physical pain, Kapic reshapes our understanding of suffering into the image of Jesus, and brings us to a renewed understanding of―and participation in―our embodied hope.

Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time: 7:30-9:00 pm ET | 6:30-8:00 pm CT
Speaker: Kelly M. Kapic


Kelly M. Kapic

Kelly Kapic is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. He is the award-winning author or editor of more than 15 books, including You're Only Human, Embodied Hope, The God Who Gives, and Becoming Whole. Kapic is also part of a John Templeton Foundation grant studying “Christian Meaning-Making, Suffering, and the Flourishing Life.” Through teaching he enthusiastically aims to equip future Church leaders, missionaries, professionals, and other lay-people to serve Christ in the church and world. Through research and writing he hopes to provide accessible scholarship which is theologically rich, textured with the past, relevant to the present and helpful for the future. This includes writing in the areas of systematic, historical, and practical theology.


The Schedule

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Lecture and Discussion