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Rejoice in The Lord

How does one “rejoice in the Lord”? Dr. Edmond Clowney, beginning with Paul’s letter to the Philippians, explains the many expressions of joy found in the Bible and how in Jesus, the Bridegroom, we have our joy.

This is a Legacy Audio recording drawn from a collection of free audio resources over the last 30+ years featuring themes which are still relevant today. Due to the archival nature of the recordings, some of the audio content may not be up to today's digital standards, but nonetheless, the content is still applicable.

Edmund Clowney

Edmund Clowney (1917 – 2005) was a theologian, educator, and pastor. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from Wheaton College in 1939, a Bachelor of Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1942, a Master of Sacred Theology from Yale Divinity School in 1944, and a Doctor of Divinity from Wheaton College in 1966.


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