Knowing and Doing Podcast
Join us every two weeks for an audio article from Knowing & Doing, our quarterly teaching magazine, covering a wide variety of subjects from nationally recognized leaders in discipleship, spirituality, theology, apologetics, and cultural analysis. Narrated by Aimee Riegert.
Brought to you by the C.S. Lewis Institute.
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C.S. Lewis on Emotion
In this article, Corey Latta addresses how C.S. Lewis wrote about emotion, and shares about...Read More
Augustine on Heaven and Rewards by Kevin Offner
Two themes that surface in Augustine’s sermons that may be helpful for our discipleship: understanding...Read More
Knowing God Personally
The metaphor of birth provides a helpful way of understanding fuller implications of what it...Read More
C.S. Lewis on Heaven and Hell by Stephen Eyre
Lewis believed that a vigorous supernaturalism was essential to understanding Christianity. Central to Lewis’s supernaturalism...Read More