Series: Apologetic Evangelism with Postmodern People
Believers face many challenges as we seek to live in obedience to the Lord in our postmodern society, for we ourselves are so shaped by the world around us. In addition to our personal struggle to remain faithful, we also find that there is resistance to our claim to know the truth and to have moral certainty. We will be thinking together about how we hold on to the biblical message ourselves and how we can communicate truth to the people around us.
This event was recorded on April 3-4, 2009 in McLean, Virginia with Professor Jerram Barrs, Director of the Francis Schaeffer Institute. It is offered as two video or four audio sessions.
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What Is My Postmodern Neighbor Thinking?
Post-modernism has been a growing trend in today's cultural ethos, both in universities and academic...Read More
What Is My Postmodern Neighbor Thinking about Me?
The post-modern framework clashes against Christian beliefs in many areas, especially in regards to the...Read More
Does God Have His Testimony in My Postmodern Neighbor’s Life?
God is the great evangelist, the one behind all our efforts to bring others to...Read More
How Can I Speak Truth To My Postmodern Neighbor?
In a world shaped by the post-modern mindset, finding a bridge between our Christian worldview...Read More
Concluding Question and Answer
In this question and answer session of the "Apologetic Evangelism with Postmodern People", Jerram Barrs...Read More