Aslan Academy
To help parents begin the Aslan Academy program and stay focused as they work through the various elements, we offer a suggested approach below. The estimated time to complete each step is listed, but parents should feel free to extend or adjust the times in light of their schedules. We recommend that as parents begin each new step, they write down an anticipated schedule for each listed activity. The Seven-Step Plan is designed in a way to help families develop new habits and new intentional approaches to spiritual growth in their children. For each step we offer categories: Pray, Read & Study, Apply, and Family Activities.
We designed these steps with busy families in mind, but discipling children will require a parent’s intentional focus. Use the suggested items under each step to build a foundation and then an ongoing pattern of living that will begin to develop your children into disciples of Jesus.
Parents often seem willing to make big sacrifices for sports activities, theater, music development, and educational projects and opportunities for their children. While there is value in those activities, doesn’t it make sense to place an even higher priority on your child’s spiritual development and growth?
For married couples, the program will have the greatest effect if both parents “buy in” and participate fully in the Seven-Step Plan. If only one spouse will be carrying the load, or if you are a single parent, try to find a godly adult friend or relative to help you as you seek to disciple your child. Perhaps you can form a group of single parents in your church who might participate in the Aslan Academy program and provide prayer support and a sounding board as you seek to lead your child to better know and love our Lord. Whether you are married or single, God loves you and your family and wants you to know Him more clearly and grow in faith.
The following steps will help you begin or, if you are already on this path, help you accelerate that growth.
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Sticky Faith and Teachable Moments
Sticky Faith and Teachable Moments continuing updating your prayer team and seek specific prayers as...Read More
Learning More about How God Made Your Child
In this Step, parents take the initiative of learning more about how God made Children...Read More
9. Introducing Spiritual Disciplines to Your Children
Spiritual Disciplines can help us grow in our understanding of our faith and be better...Read More
Dawn Treader News and Additional Resources
Our monthly e-newsletter with activities and ideas geared to help parents disciple their children from...Read More
12. Listen and Learn on Their own
Parents teaching their Children lessons on how to Listen and Learn on their own for...Read More
11. Family Read-Alouds
Finding time to read aloud together as a family will provide great teachable moments and...Read More
10. Helping Children Understand and Explain Their Faith
Parents need to help ground their children’s faith, provide a comfortable environment to handle doubts...Read More
5. Reviewing the Fundamentals
Reviewing the Fundamentals of the Christian faith to prepare you for teaching and ministering to...Read More
8. Teaching the Bible to Your Children
Many children learn about Adam and Eve, Noah, Jonah, David and Goliath, Daniel, Jesus, and,...Read More
7. Developing Character and Faith that Lasts
Parents need to understand the pressures and challenges facing the youth and provide comfortable opportunities...Read More