Series: If C.S. Lewis Met Stephen Colbert: Thoughts about Humor, Culture, and Joy
C.S. Lewis enjoyed the gift of laughter and shared that gift with others in order to spread his faith in Christ. This event will help disciples of Jesus think about how to engage today’s culture and their friends using humor and laughter. In this way, we may be better able to redeem the culture and reach our friends with the Gospel of Jesus.
This event was held on November 7th at Cherrydale Baptist Church in Arlington, VA.
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Thoughts about Humor, Culture and Joy – Part 1
"Humor can be bisected like a frog can, but the thing dies in the process,...Read More
Thoughts about Humor, Culture and Joy – Part 2
"My task here is to provide a historical background of laughter that informs their humor...Read More
Thoughts about Humor, Culture and Joy – Part 3
"Lewis included laughter in as a creative gift, a gift created before the fall. Laughter...Read More
Is Humor ever Harmful?
"There is a great proverb that says, 'Like the man who says," Was I not...Read More
Humor in Scripture
"In the Hebrew bible, there is a lot of humor especially in the prophets, how...Read More
What is the receptivity to this message?
"Generally it is provocative and makes people think and it brings up the question,' What...Read More
Was Dr. Terry Lindvall born funny?
"I was in an environment where my parents loved God, loved us and they laughed,...Read More
Silly Coarse Jesting
"Eutropilia is word that can have two meanings or perspective 'ea.' meaning good 'tropilia' meaning...Read More