Eric C. Redmond
Eric C. Redmond is a Teaching Fellow for C.S. Lewis Institute Chicago, the Executive Director of the Moody Theological Seminary for Compelling Biblical Preaching in Chicago, and Associate Pastor of Preaching, Teaching, and Care at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park. He has a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Capital Seminary and Graduate School and a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. Most recently, he is the general editor of Say It! Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition which the Preaching Magazine calls the 2020 Book of the Year. Dr. Redmond is also a fellow of the St. Augustine Cohort for the Center for Pastor Theologians. He and his wife, Pamela (a Chicago C.S. Lewis Fellow and mentor) enjoy leading small groups and serving young adults.
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Love: Language of the Presence of God
Love is the language of the presence of God; it is the very currency of...Read More