This is a collection of all the C.S. Lewis Institutes resources that have been tagged “Culture”. They offer selected short audio, video, and print messages on key discipleship themes and are in order by most recently published at the top.
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Can Capitalism Survive
In this Lecture, Professor Brian Griffiths applies Christian thought to the global conflict between Capitalism...Read More
Christianity and Rival Ideologies
Professor Griffiths continues his discourse on Christianity and Capitalism by examining in-depth, Christianity and rival...Read More
Confrontation or Participation?
Professor Griffiths considers both the growth of the corporate as well as the welfare state...Read More
The Creativity of Christian Knowing
As followers of Christ we have a certain worldview and way of life that is...Read More
The Forces Against Us
In thinking about our role as Christians in the world in which we live, there...Read More
A Conscious & Consistent Christian Worldview
Thinking in a certain way does not guarantee that it is truly the Truth that...Read More
A Christian’s Calling
Practically speaking, thinking in a Christian manner involves a variety of elements. In this audio...Read More
Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Culture
The contemporary culture in which we find ourselves has a different ethos than the culture...Read More
Lessons for Life from God and Golf
In an era of great upheaval and political and social tension, Billy Graham shares a...Read More