Mark Talbot discusses the importance of a biblical view of vocation that we find in the book of Genesis. He helps us to “really understand the gospel” and be “what God means you to be.” Read this article online.
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Mark R. Talbot is associate professor of philosophy at Wheaton College.He received his B.A. at Seattle Pacific College, did graduate studies at Saint Louis University, and received His Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania. His areas of academic expertise include philosophical theology, philosophical psychology, the epistemologies of the early modern philosophers, and the works of David Hume, St. Augustine, and Jonathan Edwards. His books include Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, Personal Identity in Theological Perspective, and The Indispensability of the Trinity, Modern Reformation.
Aimee Riegert, CSLI Fellow, earned bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and foreign language studies from Southern Methodist University. In addition to supporting various national security efforts in Northern Virginia, she has worked as an itinerant high school math teacher and drama coach, and has served in women’s ministries, praise teams, on the adult support team for Young Life and as a “mentor mom” for MOPS International ministries, as well as English instructor in several ESL programs in Japan. She is a graduate of the C.S. Lewis Institute Year One Fellows Program.