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A Vacation with Kingdom Purpose

As the Western World continues to dissolve into a patchwork of religious pluralism and moral relativism, believers are being exposed to and challenged by many different worldviews. The postmodern influence of moral and cultural relativism with its rejection of objective truth is widespread in western culture, even in parts of the Church. The New Age movement (eastern pantheism in a western dress) is flourishing in many guises in the West. And even atheism has found a new voice, zealously presenting its tired and empty reasons for the dismissal of God with a militant and angry spirit, letting emotion drive its arguments. Truth, simply put, is under fire today as never before. In this clash of worldviews, there is an urgent need for believers to become credible witnesses of Jesus Christ and to learn how to give coherent and winsome answers to those who are open to hearing reasons for their faith.

For those who want some solid training addressing worldviews, there are two opportunities coming up this summer. The first is with the Zacharias Trust, the European Office of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), which offers an intensive, weeklong summer school to train believers in understanding and engaging with the increasingly secular world. Each year around the first week of July, a group of about a hundred people arrive in Oxford, England, to learn from some of the brightest and most winsome apologists and evangelists in ministry today. Some have attended previously, but come again to be updated, refreshed, and reunited with friends. Most, however, are first-time attendees, arriving with great expectations, and returning home well trained and with new friends, eager to put their learning into God’s service. Whether new or alumni, all are better prepared to meet the challenge of 1 Peter 3:15. . .

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Thomas S. Heard

Thomas S. Heard, CSLI Fellow, works at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He formerly taught in the C.S Lewis Institute Worldview Program and has a passionate interest in Christian apologetics and theology. Tom is a member of The Falls Church in Falls Church, Virginia.


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