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Artificial Intelligence and the Tower of Babel

Is artificial intelligence a quest to become like God? What are the spiritual dynamics of modern A.I. technologies? Dr. John Lennox discusses the transhumanist vision and agenda of intellectuals like Yuval Noah Harari and efforts to solve the problem of physical death and enhance human happiness through artificial general intelligence.

With reference to the biblical account of the tower of Babel, Lennox argues that transhumanism represents a human parody of divine provision and he points to the ultimate solution for death and desire in Jesus Christ.

For our full series on Artificial Intelligence and Its Impacts on Humanity, please visit:

John Lennox

Dr. John C. Lennox is an Irish mathematician, bioethicist, and Christian apologist. Now retired, he is the Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford as well as the Emeritus Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He has also been a part of public debates with New Atheists such as Richard Dawkins, presenting intellectual defenses of Christianity. Lennox has written acclaimed books such as Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix?, 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, and most recently A Good Return: Biblical Principles for Work<, Wealth and Wisdom. He received his Ph.D. of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, while also holding numerous honorary degrees from other British universities.


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