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The Arts as Tools for Spiritual Growth

with Dr. Terry Glaspey

For many Christians, the arts sit in the background. Painting, music, literature, movies, and other forms of art exist mostly for decoration or entertainment. But Dr. Terry Glaspey believes the arts should play a more prominent role in our lives and are an important tool for our spiritual growth and formation. The arts can move our hearts, stretch our thinking, and inspire us to a deeper connection with God. In this richly illustrated talk, Dr. Glaspey will explore the unique ways that the arts can make a profound difference in your spiritual life.

Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Time: 7:00 am - 8:30 pm CT
Location: Glen Ellyn Covenant Church, 277 Hawthorne Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Terry Glaspey

Dr. Terry Glaspey teaches Inklings studies, spiritual formation, and writing at Northwind Seminary. He holds a PhD in spiritual formation from Northwind, as well as a MA in history from the University of Oregon. Terry has written many books, including Not a Tame LionDiscovering God Through the ArtsThe Prayers of Jane Austen75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know among others. He has been the recipient of several major national awards for his writing, including two Christianity Today book awards, the Gospel Coalition and the Evangelical Christian Publishing Association. Terry is an avid writer and speaker on a variety of topics including the artistic heritage of the Christian faith, the writing of C.S. Lewis, and creative approaches to apologetics.


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