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Session 3: Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation

Josh and Sean McDowell share a conversation as father and son on the challenges and opportunities of passing on the faith to the next generation. Discover new insights in this session.

This resource is part of a series on Defending the Faith for a New Generation Click here to listen to the full series

This presentation has been developed into a special edition of Broadcast Talks. To read about What Challenges Do We Face in Passing Our Faith on to the Next Generation? please click here.

Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell, Author, has been at the forefront of cultural trends and ground-breaking ministry for over five decades. He has written or co-authored 151 books, including More Than a Carpenter. He also authored Evidence That Demands a Verdict, recognized by World Magazine as one of the twentieth century’s top 40 books. Some of Josh’s books have been translated into 128 languages. 

Sean McDowell

Sean McDowell

Sean McDowell, Author, is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. Sean is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He graduated summa cum laude from Talbot Theological Seminary with a double master’s degree in Theology and Philosophy. He earned a Ph.D. in Apologetics and Worldview Studies from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2014. Sean is the author, co-author, or editor of over twenty books including The Next Generation Will Know, and  Evidence that Demands a Verdict. 


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