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Jesus Showed How to Minister

Ministry is ultimately aimed at making disciples who are like Christ and who have laid their lives down to follow Jesus; and what better way to learn than from seeing an example? In this talk, Dr. Robert Coleman talks about how to look toward Christ for an example as we demonstrate our faith to those who we disciple as we live out the Great Commission.

This resource is part of a series on Master Plan of Discipleship. Click here to listen to the full series

Robert Coleman

Robert Coleman is distinguished professor emeritus of evangelism and discipleship at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also served as dean of the Billy Graham International Schools of Evangelism as well as director of the Billy Graham Center Institute of Evangelism at Wheaton College. Dr. Coleman is a graduate of Southwestern University, Asbury Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary, and has a PhD from the University of Iowa. He has received honorary doctorates from Trinity International University and Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Master Plan of Evangelism, which has sold more than 3 million copies and has written twenty-four books and hundreds of articles.


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