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Wrestling with Job's Questions and Faith

with Bill and Will Kynes

Where is God in all our suffering and pain? People have struggled with this question since the beginning of time.  In fact, it is addressed in what many scholars believe to be the oldest story of the Bible, the life of Job.

Dr. Bill Kynes, a lifelong pastor and Rhodes Scholar, and his son, Dr. Will Kynes, an Old Testament professor at Samford University, co-authors of the book, Wrestling with Job, guide us through the journey of Job’s life, address questions surrounding suffering and point to the hope found through a defiant faith in the Creator of heaven and earth.

Additional Resources

Over the past 47 years we have developed many publications, discipleship resources, videos, and tools to help you to grow in your faith. Because you were interested in this event we have pulled together the following resources that we believe will be of interest to you.

Nancy Guthrie shows us how God's purposes are revealed even in our darkest days and encourages us to pray for His will to be done in difficult situations.

Every worldview must face the problem of evil. This lecture deals with various answers to the problem of evil.

Dr. Mark Talbot of Wheaton College shares his thoughts on suffering, and how God can and does do good through the sufferings we are subjected to by telling a story of one of his former students - (part of Q&A session).

Jesus warned many times that his disciples would face specific trials that come from following him. This podcast episode helps us prepare for those inevitable trials.

Dr. Os Guinness provides a perspective on the problem of theodicy--the problem of evil--and offers some reflections on how to trust God in the midst of these evils.

How do we reconcile God’s goodness with the reality of suffering in the world? James Houston provides insight for us on suffering from a Christian perspective.

James Houston discusses the general principles concerning suffering in this legacy audio recording. Due to the archival nature of this recording, some of the audio content may not be up to today's digital standards, but nonetheless, the content is still applicable..

James Houston discusses New Testament perspective on suffering in this legacy audio recording. Due to the archival nature of this recording, some of the audio content may not be up to today's digital standards, but nonetheless, the content is still applicable..

William L. Kynes

William L. "Bill" Kynes is the Senior Fellow for Pastoral Theology at the C.S. Lewis Institute, and retired Senior Pastor of Cornerstone, an Evangelical Free Church, in Annandale, VA, where he served from 1986 - 2022. He majored in Philosophy at the University of Florida, where he also played quarterback and was later inducted into the university’s Athletic Hall of Fame. He attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, receiving an MA in theology. He received an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, before returning to England for a PhD in New Testament from Cambridge University.


Will Kynes

Will Kynes, is the Associate Professor at Howard College of Arts and Sciences’ Biblical and Religious Studies program, Samford University. He received his Masters in literature at the University of St. Andrews, his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, and taught at the University of Oxford. He has an M.Div. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has authored books including My Psalm Has Turned into Weeping: Job’s Dialogue with the Psalms and An Obituary for “Wisdom Literature”: The Birth, Death, and Intertextual Reintegration of a Biblical Corpus. He has also edited several collections of essays, including The Oxford Handbook of Wisdom and Wisdom Literature, and published a number of scholarly articles and essays.


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