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Humility and Perseverance

In this fourth part of the Developing Spiritual Discernment series, Gerald McDermott continues sharing on the topic of the reliable signs of spiritual discernment.

This audio resource is part of a Series on Developing Spiritual Discernment. Click here to listen to the full Series

Gerald McDermott

Gerald McDermott, Professor, is a retired Anglican Chair of Divinity at Samford’s Beeson Divinity School. Prior to that, he served as Jordan–Trexler Professor of Religion at Roanoke College where he taught for 26 years. His career focuses on Jonathan Edwards, a Christian’s understanding other religions, and the meaning of Israel. Gerald has authored many books, including his award-winning coauthoring of Theology of Jonathan Edwards. He grew up in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. He graduated from the University of Chicago (B.A., New Testament and Early Christian Literature). Gerald started and ran a private school, pastored for five years in Iowa, and earned a Ph.D. in religion at the University of Iowa.

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