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Having quiet time alone with God is a difficult exercise for many people. For others, it is the time of day when they joyfully come before the creator of the universe and have fellowship with Him. Jesus needed time alone with the Father. We are commanded to do the same.

In today’s world, distractions come at us at a feverish pace. Unless we are intentional about time with God, time in the Scripture, worship, celebration and other disciplines, the world will gladly fill our time with urgent, but less-important tasks. As parents, we should not only refocus on these disciplines ourselves, but also begin cultivating these habits in our children. When these habits start early, they will prepare children to continue them as they grow older. That said, these disciplines are outlined to grow your child’s relationship with Jesus, not simply to be done legalistically. As parents in an age-appropriate manner support their child’s heart change and encourage a godly character, these disciplines can be a part of that development.

The following study questions are designed to give you a small taste of why spiritual disciplines are important. Parents should follow the Seven Step Plan to learn more about applying these disciplines.

Meditation. Read 2 Timothy 2:7. Why do you think it is important to “think” or meditate over all that God says?

In this verse, God says He will “give you understanding in all things.” How does “thinking” also include listening to God’s voice?

Prayer. Read Matthew 6:5–13 and Romans 8:26. From these passages, how would you describe the importance of prayer?

How is the Holy Spirit involved in our prayers?
Study. Read Romans 12:2. What is the purpose of studying and learning the will of God?
How can the exercise of our mind be used by God in transforming us?
Fasting. Why do you think depriving oneself of food, a pleasurable activity, or a habit would cause you to focus more on God?
Read Acts 13:2–3 and Acts 14:23. Luke describes prayer, worship, and fasting. How would you describe how these three things work together?
Simplicity. Read Luke 12:15 and Matthew 6:19-21,24. How would avoiding greed and not storing up treasures on earth help someone lead a simpler lifestyle?
What are some of the pitfalls one would avoid by living a simpler and more modest lifestyle? What are some advantages to this type of lifestyle?

Solitude. Read Psalm 62:5–8 and Psalm 46:10–11. The author talks about “finding rest” and says to “be still” before God. How can being quiet before God lead to greater understanding of His goodness, His faithfulness, and His trustworthiness?

Submission. Read James 4:1–10 and Ephesians 5:21–33. Why do you think God wants us to have a humble spirit? Why is He calling us to submit to Him and to each other?

If you are married, how are you modeling God’s command to love and to submit to and respect one another? How would you describe your children’s willingness to submit—to God or to their parents?

Service. Read 1 Peter 4:8–10 and James 2:14–26. How does God use grace to prepare us for service? How would you describe how grace and service can work together to help us grow in maturity?

Confession. Read 1 John 1:8–9. If we claim we have no sin, what does the author say we are doing and what state would we be in?

What is the connection between confession and forgiveness?

Worship. Read Revelation 4:6–11. Name some additional reasons—why you see God as being worthy of worship.

Guidance. Read Psalm 139:23–24 and John 16:13. In Psalm 139, David is asking for God to search him and lead him. Why? In John 16:13, through what power does God promise to guide you?

Celebrate. Read Exodus 23:14–17 and Luke 15:32. Why do you think God was calling His people to celebrate three times each year? Why was the father celebrating the return of his lost son?

Read Psalm 35:27 and John 10:10. How can celebrating lead us to have joy in God and to have joy in the life God has given us?

C.S. Lewis Institute

C.S. Lewis Institute, in the legacy of C.S. Lewis, works to develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life. Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Houston and James R. Hiskey, the Institute provides leading teachers who address important issues of the day from the perspective of Biblical orthodoxy, while also providing discipleship for individuals in small groups.


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