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There Are So Many Religions; How Can You Say Which One is Right?
One of the most prominent objections to faith (some say the most prominent) is the exclusive claim that Christ is the only way to salvation. What can we say to this objection? Do we have to say that there is no truth in other religions? Are there commonalities or overlapping affirmations that Christianity makes that are held by other religious perspectives? Why is the incarnation such a radical claim? Why is Christianity of infinite importance or of no importance? How are the historical claims that the Gospel makes related to the exclusivity of faith? Which position seems most Biblical – exclusivism, inclusivism, or pluralism? This lecture deals with these important questions.
Study Questions:
- Why can we say that all religions contain truths?
- What is the numinous?
- What religions exemplify the moral?
- What faiths combine the moral and the numinous?
- Why is the claim to incarnation so radical?
- What is pluralism?
- What’s the difference between exclusivism and inclusivism?