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Listening to Young Atheists - Part 1

What led you to become an atheist?

Given that the New Atheism fashions itself as a movement that is ruthlessly scientific, it should come as no surprise that those answering my question usually attribute the decision to the purely rational and objective: one invokes his understanding of science; another says it was her exploration of the claims of this or that religion; and still others will say that religious beliefs are illogical, and so on. To hear them tell it, the choice was made from a philosophically neutral position that was void of emotion.

This resource is part of a series on Listening to Young Atheists. Click here to listen to the full series

Larry Taunton

Larry Taunton, is a freelance columnist, an author, and the founder and Executive Director of the Fixed Point Foundation, a Christian non-profit dedicated to exploring those ideas that shape culture. In that role, Mr. Taunton has engaged numerous outspoken critics of the Christian faith, including Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens. Possessing degrees in history from Samford University (B.A.) and the University of Alabama (M.A.), Mr. Taunton specializes in addressing issues of faith and culture.


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