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Loveism = Jesusism: Jesus Lead Me All the Way…One Step at a Time

Dr. James Chin Kyung Kim - Fellow Christians and devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am deeply honored to be chosen to address you today and I feel very humble as I stand before you. It is such a great blessing to be able to gather here and consider how our mighty God has led us and prepared the way for us to serve Him. It is especially appropriate for me to tell you about how God has led me, step by step, over my life. Your banquet theme is on “The Call to Global Discipleship.” God has truly led me through many parts of the globe! I am proud to be an American citizen and to carry an American passport, but I also hold honorary citizenship in China, North Korea and South Korea. Think of that…, I hold citizenship in four countries! Step by step God has led me to each of these doors and then opened the door and prepared the way.

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This resource is part of a series on A Call To Global Discipleship.  Click here to listen to the full series.

James Chin Kyung Kim

James Chin Kyung Kim, Scientist, is the Founder and President of Yanbian University of Science & Technology (YUST) in China and Pyongyang University of Science & Technology (PUST) in North Korea.


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