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Daniel Dreisbach discusses the impact of the Bible and its Christian ideas and ideals in shaping the American political experiment and the rights and duties of it's citizens.

This video presentation is part of a series on The Bible And The American Founders  Click here to listen to the full series

This presentation has been developed into a special edition of Broadcast Talks. To read about   The Bible and the American Founders please click here.


Daniel Dreisbach

Daniel Dreisbach, Professor of Justice, Law & Criminology at American University. He earned a DPhil from Oxford University, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar, and a JD from the University of Virginia. His principal research interests include American constitutional law and history, First Amendment law, church-state relations, and criminal procedure. He has authored or edited ten books and numerous articles in scholarly journals. Professor Dreisbach is a past recipient of American University’s highest faculty award: Scholar/Teacher of the Year.


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