Our Top 10 Articles
These are our most popular articles downloaded and read in 2023!
Once we situate ourselves in this framework, we can readily discern and embrace God’s particular plans in the circumstances of our lives. Click HERE for more information.
Humility is a grace that is precious in the sight of God, who in due course will exalt all who embrace it all the days of their lives. Click HERE for more information.
Conformity to the image of God means to become like Jesus: Christlikeness is the eternal predestinating purpose of God. Click HERE for more information.
What does it mean to follow Jesus Christ? Discover what the Bible teaches about following Jesus and his radical invitation to abundant life. Click HERE for more information.
The life of discipleship is possible only through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Discipleship, the Christian life, does not work on any other basis. Click HERE for more information.
Knowing God more deeply was not the privilege of only a few luminaries in the Old Testament. God called all of His people to know Him personally and love Him supremely with heartfelt devotion. Click HERE for more information.
Eyre discusses heaven and hell in the writings of C.S Lewis. Lewis believed that a vigorous supernaturalism was essential to understanding Christianity. Click HERE for more information.
Tom Tarrants considers the question, “How do we navigate around the seductions of this fallen world and faithfully follow Jesus in daily life?” He argues that the key is in and with our heart’s desires. Click HERE for more information.
Tom Tarrants challenges us to allow God’s Word to penetrate our entire beings with its powerful, transforming truths. Click HERE for more information.
Tom Tarrants raises the important, albeit disturbing, topic of persecution for the sake of the gospel during the process of discipleship. Click HERE for more information.
C.S. Lewis Institute