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Q & A with Dr. Qureshi

In this engaging audio recording, Dr. Nabeel Qureshi responds to questions about Islam, Christianity, the Qu'ran, and the Bible.

This is part of a series on The Gospel Truth about Jesus.

Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel Qureshi, (1983 – 2017) Nabeel Qureshi, (1983 – 2017) the author of the New York Times bestsellers No God But One and Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, the only book ever to win Christian Book Awards for both "Best New Author" and "Best Nonfiction." He held an M.D. from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an M.A. in Christian apologetics from Biola University, an M.A. in religion from Duke University, and an M.Phil. in Judaism and Christianity from Oxford University. Raised as a devout Muslim, Nabeel grew up studying Islamic apologetics and engaging Christians in religious discussions. Throughout his years of ministry, Nabeel lectured to students at more than 100 universities, including Oxford, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Hong Kong.


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