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Walking in Humility

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.   Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,   who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,   but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name…

Philippians 2:3-9 (ESV)

1. Opening Prayer

2. Scripture Reading

Read aloud the Bible passage at the top of this page (Philippians 2:3-9).

3. Group Discussion

(1) Early in Tom Tarrants’ article “Pride and Humility,” he states, “Make no mistake about it; pride is the great sin. It is the devil’s most effective and destructive tool.” How would you explain the meaning of “pride” to someone else? Why is it so destructive? How does the good kind of pride, e.g., pride in one’s children, differ from arrogant or self-exalting pride?

(2) What is humility? How is it different from weakness? How did Jesus Christ model humility in His life?

(3) In light of the reading in John Piper’s Don’t Waste Your Life, what are some of the ways in which a person might waste their life? What, according to Piper, is the “opposite of wasting your life”? (See Don’t Waste Your Life, chapter three.)

(4) What insights did you gain from the Bible Study of Philippians 2:3-11?

4. Prayer Requests

5. Closing Prayer


1. Reflect

Within a day or two after the meeting, prayerfully reflect on the meeting and its content.

2. Prepare for Next Meeting

Coming Next: Theme 5: Walking in Humility—Meeting B

(1) Read Habits of Grace, by David Mathis, pp. 117-142 (chapters 10-12: HAVE HIS EAR (PRAYER): Sharpen Your Affections with Fasting; Journal as a Pathway to Joy; Take a Break from the Chaos) (~25 pages)

(2) Read article, “Discipleship or Grace: Must it be One or the Other?,” by Bill Kynes, found on CSLI website (from Knowing & Doing, Fall 2011, ~5 pages)

(3) Read Reflections,Jesus Christ” (1 page)

(4) Watch Teaching Video, Walking in Humility, with Pastor Parker Williamson. Watch Here

As you watch the video, consider: What are Pastor Williamson’s primary points? What support does he provide for each of these points? Which one (or ones) do you find most relevant to your life at this time? What from the video might you like to share with family members and friends? What about the video might you like to discuss in the next small group meeting?

(5) Complete Bible Study, Luke 14:7-11; 18:9-14.

a. Read. Carefully read these passages. As you do so, consider: What does the text say? What was the original intent? What do the passages mean? How do the passages apply to my life, and the lives of others, today?

b. Reflect. What do these passages tell us about humility?

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