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Pursuing God’s Call on Your Life
Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.
1 Corinthians 7:17a (ESV)
1. Opening Prayer
2. Scripture Reading
Read aloud the Bible passage at the top of this page (1 Corinthians 7:17a).
3. Group Discussion
(1) What struck you the most about Pastor King’s teaching in the video, “Pursuing God’s Call in Your Life”? If you were telling a friend or family member about it, what would you highlight? What will you remember?
(2) Considering Mark Talbot’s article, “The Importance of Vocation,” how would you describe the concept of vocation to a Christian friend? Why, according to Talbot, is it important to understand the book of Genesis to “really understand the gospel,” and to be “what God means you to be”?
(3) What does the Bible have to say about time management? (See Habits of Grace, chapter 21, “The Clock.”)
(4) What insights did you gain from the Bible Study of 1 Corinthians 7:17-24; Nehemiah chapters 1-2?
4. Prayer Requests
5. Closing Prayer
1. Reflect
Within a day or two after the meeting, prayerfully reflect on the meeting and its content.
2. Change
As you consider the Bible studies, readings, teaching video and other activities you have completed over the last month in studying the theme—Pursuing God's Call on Your Life—are there changes you would like to make in your life, or other actions you would like to take at this time?
3. Prayer
O Lord, my God, help me to trust you with my decisions and my future.
Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own
imperfect understanding. In Jesus’ name,
4. Prepare for Next Meeting
Coming Next: Theme 9: Sharing and Defending the Gospel—Meeting A
(1) Read 3 2 1—The Story of God, The World and You, by Glen Scrivener, pp. 125-175 (chapters 6-13) (~50 pages).
(2) Read article “Learning to Make Disciples of Jesus: The Calling of Every Believer,” by Tom Tarrants, found on CSLI website (from Knowing & Doing, Fall 2013, ~5 pages)
(3) Complete Bible Study, Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:8, 2:1-47.
- Read. Carefully read these passages. As you do so, consider: What does the text say? What was the original intent? What do the passages mean? How do the passages apply to my life, and the lives of others, today?
- Reflect. The Holy Spirit, the gift of the Father sent by Jesus, lit the flame of mission in the fireplace of the church. What is your role in tending the flame of mission in the fireplace of the church?
5. Consider Steps After the Journey Adventure
The Journey small group study you are taking will be concluding after two more sessions. Consider the following questions:
What will you do next? Consider these options and be prepared to discuss them in the next meeting.
(1) Would you like to lead a Journey small group study, or ten-week Heart & Mind Discipleship small group in the near future?
(2) If you are a parent, grandparent, or otherwise have children in your life, would you like to participate in an Aslan Academy small group as part of the Keeping the Faith program? This program is designed to equip parents, grandparents and other caring adults for intentional discipleship of their children and teens. The Keeping the Faith guidebook leads participants through an eight- or nine-month series of high-quality books, group discussions and family activities, with an emphasis on a vibrant relationship with Jesus, fellowship with other believing families, prayer, Bible study and practical application.
(3) Would you, or perhaps the group you are part of, like to take CSLI’s Conversational Apologetics Course, or use one of CSLI’s other Small Group Discipleship Resources?
(4) If you live in an area where the CSLI Fellows Program is offered, would you like to consider this full year program?
(5) What other steps might you consider after completing Journey?
COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.
- Your Guidebook
- 1: The Grace of God and True Conversion
- 2: Following Jesus Christ
- 3: Walking in the Holy Spirit
- 4: Living a Life of Love and Obedience
- 5: Walking in Humility
- 6: Growing in Prayer and Faith
- 7: Being Transformed by Scripture
- 8: Pursuing God’s Call on Your Life
- 9: Sharing and Defending the Gospel