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The Bible is God’s story that He wants us to know. Understanding how the Bible fits together into one story of God’s plan is important for us individually, but particularly important as we teach the Scripture to our children. Parts of the Bible can seem confusing to children reading on their own, but we can help them understand why Scripture is important, where God’s Word comes from, and how it can be used to help us live our lives.
Read 2 Timothy 3:16–17. Where does Scripture come from?
Why is it important for you personally to keep in mind that Scriptures are inspired by God?
Describe how the Scriptures can be useful in the following areas:
a. Teaching
b. Rebuking
c. Correcting
d. Training

How do these uses of Scripture “equip us for every good work?”

As parents, how are we to put into practice what we are told to do in Ephesians 6:1–4 and Deuteronomy 6:4–9? Describe some interesting and innovative ways you can teach the Bible to your children.

Read 2 Timothy 3:14–15, the verses preceding those read in question 1. Paul affirms that Timothy was taught the Scriptures from childhood. How might such a lifelong exposure to Scriptures be an asset to one’s Christian life?

Read Luke 24:13–35. How does Jesus describe what Moses and the Prophets were writing about?

Since Jesus claims that Moses and the Prophets were writing about Himself, how does this change your understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures

In one paragraph, describe the overall story of the Bible.

Based on the selections in the Aslan Academy, which Bible is age appropriate for your child? Will you commit to spending time reading and discussing the Bible with your child each day?

C.S. Lewis Institute
C.S. Lewis Institute, in the legacy of C.S. Lewis, works to develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life. Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Houston and James R. Hiskey, the Institute provides leading teachers who address important issues of the day from the perspective of Biblical orthodoxy, while also providing discipleship for individuals in small groups.

COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.
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C.S. Lewis Institute
C.S. Lewis Institute, in the legacy of C.S. Lewis, works to develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life. Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Houston and James R. Hiskey, the Institute provides leading teachers who address important issues of the day from the perspective of Biblical orthodoxy, while also providing discipleship for individuals in small groups.