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As you begin the Aslan Academy program, it is important to start praying regularly for your family as a whole and for your children specifically. Find time each morning and each evening to have uninterrupted time with God as you commit to discipling your children.

  • Praise God for blessing you with a child or children.
  • Ask God to give you wisdom to fulfill your role as a parent.
  • Ask God to reveal any hindrances to your faith as you begin the process of discipling your children.
    Confess any hindrances and ask God for strength to work in you to eliminate those hindrances.
  • If you are married, ask God to strengthen your marriage and give both of you a shared, godly vision for discipling your children.
  • Ask God to work in the hearts of each of your children, to give them a sense of God’s character and His power and His glory.
  • Ask God to work in the hearts of your children to give them a spirit of obedience to His commands and to your authority as a parent.
  • Ask God to remove the obstacles you may be facing regarding your relationship with your children. Ask for a desire to spend time together and to communicate honestly.
  • Praise God for the work He has already done in your life and in the life of your children. Spend time meditating on how God has been involved in your lives.
  • Offer to God yourself and your children, to be taught by Him and used by Him for His glory.
  • Pray for specific wisdom to better understand the challenges that each child is facing and will face. Pray that God will give you a discerning spirit to guide you day by day in your relationship with your child.
  • Pray for perseverance, as the world will seek to distract you from being intentional about discipling your children.
  • Pray for protection from Satan, who would love to keep your child from following Jesus.


Recruit a Prayer Team

Ask a group of people you know to join you in praying regularly for you and your family as you begin this journey. Find spiritually mature people in your church, your family, your neighborhood, or among your friends to specifically pray for you and for each child over the coming year. Feel free to share suggestions for prayer possibly in addition to the suggestions above. Send reminders by e-mail and include specific requests as they come up.

Your prayer team is very important to keep you from discouragement and to give you regular encouragement. When you are tired or down, your prayer team can lift you up. Let your child know that others are praying for him or her on a daily basis.

You may find that as you contact people to pray for your children, they may begin a similar process with their children. Invite your prayer team for dinner or regular celebrations during the life of your child. Let your child be encouraged by their prayer warriors, supporting them as they grow into a fully committed disciple of Jesus!

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C.S. Lewis Institute

C.S. Lewis Institute, In the legacy of C. S. Lewis, we develop wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share, and live their faith in personal and public life.


COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.

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