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 The Power of Prayer.

The purpose of prayer is to converse with God, but prayer is not merely talking to God. It is responding to the One who has initiated towards us. Prayer is not a conversation we start but a relationship we are drawn to. Dr. Tom Schwanda helps us experience the power of prayer in our daily lives.

Tom Schwanda

Tom Schwanda is associate professor of Christian Formation and Ministry emeritus at Wheaton College and adjunct associate professor of Christian Spirituality at Fuller Theological Seminary. Tom earned a Ph.D. from Durham University, a D.Min. from Fuller, and a M. Div. from New Brunswick Theological Seminary. He also studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters and three books, including The Emergence of Evangelical Spirituality: The Age of Edwards, Newton, and Whitefield and is currently preparing a book on George Whitefield, a biography that will highlight the importance of Puritans in his ministry.  

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