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Theology of Discipleship - Part 2

Christian formation is about being transformed into the image of Christ. Discover the role that Christian mentorship can play in Christian formation.

Enjoy this audio message from Don Payne on Theology of Discipleship - Part 2.  This is part two of a five part series on "Theology of Discipleship".

Don Payne

Don Payne, is the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Academic Dean, and Associate Professor of Theology and Christian Formation at Denver Seminary in Littleton, Colorado. Dr. Payne earned a PhD in systematic theology from the University of Manchester, England, an MDiv from Denver Seminary, and a BA from Tennessee Temple University. His publications include Already Sanctified, Surviving the Unthinkable, and The Theology of the Christian Life in J. I. Packer’s Thought to name a few. Dr. Payne is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the T.F. Torrance Theological Fellowship.


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