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Transforming Discipleship - Part 2

Learn a tested method for how people are transformed into disciples of Jesus Christ. Dr. Greg Ogden offers insights from scripture and a practical plan for how to grow disciples. This is part two in a series on "Transforming Discipleship."

Greg Ogden

Greg Ogden, (D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary) served as Executive Pastor of Discipleship at Christ Church of Oak Brook, IL. From 1998-2002, Greg held the position of Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary. Prior to coming to Fuller, Greg enjoyed 24 years in pastoral ministry.  He is the author of six books: Essential Guide to Becoming a DiscipleTransforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a TimeThe Essential Commandment: A Guide to Loving God and OthersDiscipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in ChristLeadership Essentials: Shaping Vision, Multiplying Influence, Defining Character with coauthor, Daniel Meyer; and Unfinished Business: Returning the Ministry to the People of God.

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