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Sharing and Defending the Gospel

In this lecture Pastor Jesse Johnson suggests that we begin thinking about “mission statements” in general as well as in churches.  What are we about, why do we exist, what is it that defines us? For Christians, the Bible provides us with a mission statement: “Go into all the world…” In this talk well-illustrated by Scripture, Pastor Johnson suggests how to do this. He provides many examples of successful strategies, as well as how to deal with difficult situations. He concludes by highlighting the blessings received by proclaiming and defending the gospel.

Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson is the Lead Teaching Pastor at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA. He attended The Master’s Seminary as a student and then later served as a professor. He spent time as Outreach Pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, and as a chaplain for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Jesse is a graduate of the University of New Mexico (Sociology/Spanish), as well as The Master’s Seminary (MDiv; ThM Systematic Theology). He has edited a number of publications including Fundamentals of the Faith, co-editor of Evangelism in the John MacArthur Pastoral Library Series, and was a contributor to Men of the Word, Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong, and Right Thinking in a Church Gone Astray.  

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