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In this lecture Pastor Tom Holliday discusses the work of the Hoy Spirit in the life of the believer and how He achieves His ministry in our lives today.  We do not have to live the Christian life alone. God has provided us with two advocates, two helpers, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is our intercessor here on Earth and gives us the gift of faith and power to live the victorious Christian life.

Tom Holliday

Tom Holliday, has been pastor of Alexandria Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA, since 1990. Before coming to Alexandria, he pastored Abingdon Presbyterian Church in Abingdon, VA, for nine years. Tom is a graduate of Covenant College and Covenant Theological Seminary. He loves reading history, playing church softball, and swimming. He is a contributing lecturer for the Fellows Program at the C.S. Lewis Institute in Washington, DC.


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