Walking with God Ourselves - Part 2
God calls us to a life of following Him. It is in and through obedience to God that we experience His presence and power at work. But partial obedience is total disobedience. What does it mean to walk with God day by day?
The key to walking with God is immediate and total obedience, through which we experience His presence and power. When God issues a command, partial obedience is total disobedience. Furthermore, shallow “worship,” which avoids mention of sin, is dangerous, because there can be no revival and people cannot hear from God without sincere repentance.
Touching on spiritual warfare, suffering and other compelling issues, Henry Blackaby exhorts listeners to pursue powerful encounters with God through robust scripture memorization, authentic worship, ready repentance and immediate obedience. This lecture took place on Sept 23, 2005, at the CS Lewis conference, Walking with God in Daily Life, in Falls Church, Virginia.
Enjoy this audio message from Dr. Henry Blackaby on Walking with God Ourselves - Part 2. This is part of a series on "Walking With God In Daily Life".