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Walking With God: The Biblical Foundations

The Bible guides us into a relationship with God. The whole story of the Bible shows us how God relates to his creatures and how we are to relate to Him. Discover the biblical foundations for walking with God.

Enjoy this audio message from Dr. Henry Blackaby on Walking With God: The Biblical Foundations.  This is part of the series on "Walking With God In Daily Life".

Henry Blackaby

Henry Blackaby, Pastor, is the founder and president emeritus of Blackaby Ministries International, an organization built to help people experience God. He is also an influential evangelical pastor. Most known for his best-selling study called Experiencing God, he has also authored many other books and articles. Blackaby's lifetime of work has had a significant impact upon the religious life of many evangelicals in the United States and Canada. His books have been translated into more than 40 languages and have had worldwide influence.


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