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The Waning of the West, the War of the Worlds, and the Faith That Is the Key to the Outcome
with Dr. Os Guinness
Cultural observer and scholar, Dr. Os Guinness, will address the war that is being waged, not only between Ukraine and Russia, but between the radically different worldviews of Secularism represented by the French Revolution and Biblical Faith rooted in the Exodus.
The defining moment for our civilization is at hand. The influence of the West is waning, worldviews are at war and the idea of human freedom is in limbo. What can we as followers of Jesus Christ do about it? What role does our faith play both in this world and the world to come? Dr. Guinness will provide not only an analysis of this crisis but look at the path that leads to true freedom for humanity.
Resources to Accompany Dr. Os Guinness' Talk on Our Civilizational Moment
Over the past 46 years we have developed many publications, discipleship resources, videos, and tools to help you to grow in your faith. We hope you will take the time to look through all of them. Because you were interested in this event we have pulled together the following resources that we believe will be of interest to you.
Followers of Christ also need to be equipped to navigate and live out their faith in a culture that is increasingly secularized. Many have argued that we are living in a post-Christian era. It is critical, therefore, to develop and maintain a Christian worldview where, with the help of the Holy Spirit, believers put every thought through the independent filter of our Christian faith.
Here is a helpful way to think about our predicament and how to escape it. In relation to the flesh and sin, every human being is like a patient who has a fatal disease. We inherited this disease from Adam, and we worsen it with our choices each day. But unlike some fatal diseases, death is not inevitable. Treatment is available and effective if taken soon enough.
Let me come closer to things of faith. We need to be clear about the hostile sets of ideas that are openly opposed to Christianity.
Six great nations have fallen in our generation. Comparing the great civilization of ancient Rome to the United States of America, Dr. Kenneth Boa takes a candid look at the overall social, moral, and cultural health of America in this visual presentation by examining the cycle of decline and ten symptoms of decline. Dr. Os Guinness will address first the keys to America maintaining sustainable freedom and then the challenge facing believers to maintain robust faith in the midst of modern secularism.
Gifted speaker and author, Dr. Os Guinness provides an insightful look into ways that we can live a purposeful life that leads to joy and fulfillment. This presentation is designed to inspire and encourage you to live out God’s calling for your life.
International speaker, author and social critic Dr. Os Guinness presents a four-part lecture series titled The World is Far from Flat: Coming to Grips with Globalization and its Human Challenges.
Why am I here? What is God’s call in my life? How do I fit God’s call with my own individuality? How should God’s calling affect my career, my plans for the future, my concepts of success?
As a gifted analyst of culture from a Christian perspective, Dr. Guinness will offer a critique of our current political, cultural and social context. Then he will provide believers with a bold approach to living faithfully and unashamedly for Jesus in America and the world today.
Faithfulness is the central issue for the church in our time because unfaithfulness is so rife in our culture. For all who follow Jesus, faithfulness to Him, to His lordship, and to His decisive stamp of authority on the Holy Scriptures should be final.
Please enjoy this Banquet audio recording resource from our vast library of resources. This message was delivered at the 2004 C.S. Lewis Institute Annual Fundraising Banquet.
In thinking about our role as Christians in the world in which we live, there are major forces against us in terms of culture which we must address in our living out of our faith in practical ways. In this lecture, Os Guinness shares about the forces against us in our efforts to think Christianly.
Thinking in a certain way does not guarantee that it is truly the Truth that governs one's life. In this audio lecture, Os Guinness shares about the ways in which our worldview becomes more conscious and consistent as we continue on as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Cultural intelligence requires that we understand the changing world around us and engage these changes in ways that edify the church and winsomely seek after the lost. In Cultural Intelligence, Darrell L. Bock builds a theology of cultural engagement and equips readers to relate well to their culture with an eye on the example set by Paul in the New Testament. This timely book highlights the need to center our beliefs and practices around God’s Word while interacting effectively with a contour that is increasingly detached from the biblical truth.
Drawing from his landmark book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism and the Road to Sexual Revolution, Dr. Trueman will share how philosophies and worldviews developed over the past 300 years shape our current cultural confusion and conflict.
Jerry Root discusses how followers of Christ can engage with their friends and neighbors about their faith. If you’ve never heard Dr. Root, you’re in for a treat. His passionate, engaging, and thoughtful presentation of important truths has made him a favorite professor of Wheaton College students for years.
As the culture around us becomes increasingly hostile, how are Christians to think about our witness? Michael Cromartie explains the duty of Christians in walking the fine line between guarding our own lives without withdrawing from the world. The series includes main presentation and Q&A clips.
Os Guinness
Author Os Guinness, is the author and editor of more than thirty books, including Fool's Talk, Renaissance, The Global Public Square, A Free People's Suicide, Unspeakable, The Call, Time for Truth, The Case for Civility and his most recent book, Zero Hour America. A frequent speaker and prominent social critic, he has addressed audiences worldwide from the British House of Commons to the U.S. Congress to the St. Petersburg Parliament. Guinness has had a lifelong passion to make sense of our extraordinary modern world and to stand between the worlds of scholarship and ordinary life, helping each to understand the other - particularly when advanced modern life touches on the profound issues of faith. (Photo By Deryck Chan 2013)COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.
Os Guinness