Join us for an evening with Andrew Peterson as we discuss the role of the imagination, the arts, writing and music in the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ.
How does making things reflect our Creator?
What does it mean to be a Christian artist?
Does art glorify God?
These and other questions will guide our interview which will be followed by a Q&A session.
This presentation has been developed into a special edition of Broadcast Talks. To read about Christian Faith, the Arts and Imagination, please click here.
Our Resources
Over the past 45 years we have developed many publications, discipleship resources, videos, and tools to help you to grow in your faith. We hope you will take the time to look through them. Because you were interested in this event we have pulled together three specific resources that we think will be of special interest to you.
Communicating our faith in today’s world can be more effective if we learn to combine reason and imagination in our presentations. C.S. Lewis once argued that “Reason is the natural organ of truth, but imagination is the organ of meaning.” When we communicate our faith to non-believers, we need to consider not only the clarity of our logic, but the place of imagery, symbols, metaphors or stories, to bring home our message. To WATCH, click here.
Spirituality aims to ensure that we both know about God and know God. It seeks to apply God to our hearts as well as our minds. It deals with the deepening of our personal knowledge of God. To READ this article click here.
Postmodernism is suspicious of any narrative, story, or account of the world that claims to be absolute or all-encompassing—a “meta”-narrative. Postmodernists are suspicious of such claims not only because of the limits of reason, but also because such perspectives have been oppressive. To READ, click here.
Postmodernism is suspicious of any narrative, story, or account of the world that claims to be absolute or all-encompassing—a “meta”-narrative. Postmodernists are suspicious of such claims not only because of the limits of reason, but also because such perspectives have been oppressive. To READ, click here.
The appeal of C.S. Lewis' writings continues to be the way in which he combines reason and imagination. He argued that "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and, if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important." To READ, click here.
...Perhaps the dread of frustrated prayers at night-time never fully left him, and the issues of a reasoning faith about prayer were colored perhaps as much from his early alienation as from his heightened intellectual search for the appropriate enquiry that would serve the logic of the mind, more than the rest of the heart. Perhaps Lewis’ cure was to rest in the presence of God, rather than be always enquiring about its appropriateness. To READ, click here.
There are three biblical themes in this beloved story: the disarming power of hospitality given in the name of Jesus, God’s offer of grace to the undeserving, and the Spirit’s redemptive power as demonstrated through the transformed lives of those who choose to follow Christ. To READ, click here.
Do you believe the devil is real? Are you fully awake to his schemes? Do you know how to resist his attacks? We could all benefit from more awareness of our enemy. Indeed, our spiritual health depends on it. To READ, click here.
Somewhere deep within each of us is a desire, a longing for a world very different from our own. It is there first of all because we have been created in the image of God and were intended to live with him in a world of love. To READ, click here.
Lewis sets out to answer the question, Is the imagination of followers of Jesus so aroused and satisfied by the poetry of the Gospel message that they have mistaken intellectual assent for mere aesthetic enjoyment? In other words, has the romantic attraction of the story of Jesus trumped the place of reason in coming to faith? To READ, click here.
Andrew Peterson
Andrew Peterson, Singer-songwriter, an author, and the founder of the Rabbit Room, a ministry dedicated to fostering spiritual formation and Christ-centered community through story, art, and music. He has released eleven records over the past fifteen years including his latest album, Resurrection Letters, Vol. 1. His music has earned him a reputation for writing songs that connect with his listeners in ways equally powerful, poetic, and intimate. A natural-born storyteller, Andrew has also followed his gifts into the realm of publishing. His books include The Wingfeather Saga and Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making. He lives in Nashville with his wife and about 80,000 honeybees.
COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.
Andrew Peterson, Singer-songwriter, an author, and the founder of the Rabbit Room, a ministry dedicated to fostering spiritual formation and Christ-centered community through story, art, and music. He has released eleven records over the past fifteen years including his latest album, Resurrection Letters, Vol. 1. His music has earned him a reputation for writing songs that connect with his listeners in ways equally powerful, poetic, and intimate. A natural-born storyteller, Andrew has also followed his gifts into the realm of publishing. His books include The Wingfeather Saga and Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making. He lives in Nashville with his wife and about 80,000 honeybees.