Prompts to Help You Pray
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This month, we are first going to be reading a poem that makes a very valid point for followers of Christ today, and then a prayer version based upon it. Discuss the poem as a family, applying it to yourselves, and then say the prayer together in your usual devotions.
Were the whole world good
as you — not an atom better —
Were it just as pure and true,
Just as pure and true as you;
Just as strong in faith and works;
Just as free from crafty quirks;
All extortion, all deceit;
Schemes its neighbors to defeat;
Schemes its neighbors to defraud;
Schemes some culprit to applaud—
Would this world be better?
If the whole world followed
you — followed to the letter —
Would it be a nobler world,
All deceit and falsehood hurled
From it altogether;
Malice, selfishness and lust,
Banished from beneath the crust,
Covering human hearts from view —
Tell me, if it followed you,
Would the world be better?