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Have you ever questioned the fairness of God? Or wondered why God allows us to go through painful experiences?

Does God care about me or hear my prayers?

If you’ve wrestled with questions like these, then this event with Jennifer Rothschild is for you.

At the age of fifteen, Jennifer was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. Despite facing multiple challenges, she found strength in God, had a lovely marriage, raised a family and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. Then in her 40s, everything changed.

Jennifer hit a wall of depression and discontent that forced her to re-examine her faith and her underlying assumptions about God. From out of the depths of doubt, questioning, and disappointment, Jennifer found the answers she needed and her hope and trust in God were renewed.

This event is for anyone who needs hope when life doesn’t make sense - for all who reach for a God who feels distant.

There will be a time for Q&A after the presentation.

Date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm ET

God is Just Not Fair: Finding Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Do you believe God is just not fair?

If you’re like Jennifer Rothschild, you wrestle with questions when you experience painful circumstances. Blinded as a teenager, Jennifer overcame daunting obstacles, found strength in God, and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. This is a book about finding more than just answers. It’s for anyone who needs hope when life doesn’t make sense – for all who reach for a God who feels distant.

Learn more here.

Additional Resources

Over the past 48 years we have developed many publications, discipleship resources, videos, and tools to help you grow in your faith. Because you were interested in this event we have pulled together the following resources that we believe will be of interest to you.

Justice, Peace, and Poverty 

by Myron Augsburger

In this reflective talk, Dr. Augsburger discusses what it means to live a Christ centered life in contemporary society centered on the three issues of Justice, Peace and Poverty.

Listen Here

If God Is Real, Why Is The World So Messed Up?

by Sharon Dirckx

There is no shortage of suffering in the world. Why? And why would God, if He is real and good and powerful, allow the world to be this way? Suffering is one of the biggest barriers to faith, and there are no easy answers.

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Why God Makes Sense in a World that Doesn't

Episode 59, Questions that Matter Podcast with the late Randy Newman

For some people, a more emotional or affective approach to evangelism and apologetics connects better than a more cognitive or philosophical method. Gavin Ortlund helps us explore this different approach.


The Eternal Dance

Reflections, February 2022

As we grow to be more like Jesus Christ during our earthly lives, we will become increasingly self-giving. Can you think of any specific areas of your life where you would like to be more self-giving?

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God's Megaphone

Reflections, October 2021

In his book The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis observes that “the proper good of a creature is to surrender itself to its Creator”, but points out that “to render the will to which we have so long claimed for our own, is in itself, wherever and however it is done, a grievous pain.”

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Living in Times of Anxiety and Uncertainty

Reflections, July 2020

When we experience times of anxiety and uncertainty, whether individually or in a broader context, let us remember to keep our attention focused on our Savior Jesus Christ and trust in His promises.

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Praying Your Way Through Life's Challenges

by Barry Black

When we are tempted to despair, by God’s grace, let us follow the example of Christ and pray. Even when God seems to say nothing, we know that He is listening and in due season will answer our prayer.

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Hindrance to Discipleship: The World

by Tom Tarrants

When we are fully engaged members of the body of Christ, in a good local church, grace will flow into our lives and help us increase in faith, hope, and love for God and others. In such a community, the Holy Spirit will increasingly enlighten us to the snares of the world, the lust of the flesh, and the schemes of the devil.

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Finding Our True Selves

Reflections, September 2011

Many people today are seeking to know who they really are, but they are going about it in the wrong way. Only Jesus Christ can help us discover and become who we are meant to be.

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What Is God's Plan For Your Life?

Reflections, June 2009

Blessed is the man or woman who wholeheartedly submits to God’s plan!

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Jennifer Rothschild

Jennifer Rothschild is a speaker and writer whose life drastically changed at age fifteen when she lost her sight. Now, more than 35 years later, she boldly and compassionately teaches others to walk by faith, not sight. She has shared her inspiring messages at conferences like Extraordinary Women, Women of Joy and Women of Faith, and on media outlets like Dr. Phil, The TODAY Show, and Good Morning America. She hosts the 4:13 Podcast and has authored 19 books and Bible studies. Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life is Jennifer’s eighth video-based Bible study with Lifeway. It follows her popular Bible studies, Take Courage: A Study of Haggai, Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me, and Hosea: Unfailing Love Changes Everything.


COPYRIGHT: This publication is published by C.S. Lewis Institute; 8001 Braddock Road, Suite 301; Springfield, VA 22151. Portions of the publication may be reproduced for noncommercial, local church or ministry use without prior permission. Electronic copies of the PDF files may be duplicated and transmitted via e-mail for personal and church use. Articles may not be modified without prior written permission of the Institute. For questions, contact the Institute: 703.914.5602 or email us.

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