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How Can You Respond to Cults?
As we deal with cults we need to develop a biblical discernment that will allow us to sift out the wheat from the chaff. Various biblical passages warn us of the deceptive quality of evil. Evil is most dangerous when it comes in the guise of the good. Satan can appear as an “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). False teachers can disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. It is important for us to recognize those who would subvert the church from the outside or inside of the flock. However, wolves can be difficult to discern from sheep when they have on their sheep costumes. Thus, it is important that we learn the key doctrines of Scripture so that we can know when teaching or practice is off base. We also need to encourage others to ask discerning questions when they meet people from groups they don’t know. This lecture helps you to engage cult members intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Study Questions
- How can evil be so deceptive?
- How do cults lure Christians?
- What is the danger of a sole reliance on testimonies?
- What are the threats from outside or inside the church?
- How do you discern the wolves from the sheep?
- What is a leader not to be? (I Peter 5:1f )
- How can you prepare yourself to engage the cults?