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 We Must Love God Without Measure, But Such Love Grows Through Stages.

There is no limit to (God's) love, for he loved us first. such a one loved us so much and so freely, as insignificant as we are and such as we are, that...we must love God (in return) without any limits...

Love offered to God has for(its) object the one who is immeasurable and infinite-what (then), i ask, should be of our love? what about the fact that our love (to God) is not given gratuitously but (rathe)r in payment of a debt (we owe him)?God, whose greatness knows no end, to whose wisdom there is no( limited), whose peace exceeds all understanding-loves us and( yet we dare to) think we can requite him with some limited measure of love? the measure of love due to him is immeasurable love...this the claim that God the Holy, the supreme, the omnipotent, has upon(us) …

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St. Bernard of Clairvaux

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, (c.1090 – 1153) was canonized January 18, 1174.  A Cistercian monk and mystic, founder and abbot of the Abbey of Clairvaux,  he was one of the most influential churchmen of his time.  Mediator and counselor for several civil and ecclesiastical councils and for theological debates during seven years of papal disunity,  he nevertheless found time to produce an extensive number of sermons on the Song of Solomon. His greatest literary endeavourSermons on the Canticle of Canticles,  revealed his teaching,  often described as “sweet as honey,”  as in his later title doctor mellifluus. 


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